Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Reporting from The Bottom of the Barrel.

I've been working here at....well, I can't tell you the real name of it. Let's just call it PDQ Labor. Here at 'PDQ' we supply unskilled and skilled labor to construction and warehousing companies. You need a strong back---brain optional.

As many people have asked---"Why in God's name would you want to work in one of those places!?"

To start with, 5 years ago when I came here I was about to go under. My truck had been repossessed and I was saddled with a boyfriend who believed in working on a semi-annual basis. There wasn't much of a choice. Now? I can't imagine where else I would want to work. I wear jeans daily. It's almost expected that I put my feet on my desk and swear like a sailor. Besides, I make almost double what I did at the University.

And then there's the people. Homeless folks, drug addicts, criminals. The "dregs of society". You never know what will happen next--it's rather like living in a sit-com / soap opera. There are even times I can make a real difference in people's lives. I don't think I ever want to leave.

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